God Alone

This Blog is a study on what theologians call the Incommunicable Attributes of God. This term refers to certain qualities of God’s being and nature which are not shared with us or any other created being. These are the aspects of His being which set Him apart from all other beings, visible and invisible. As we take time to consider these attributes of God, we are contemplating the qualities that give insight, revelation and understanding into the very nature and character of God.

Carol Jenkins Carol Jenkins

God Is Knowable

INTRODUCTION: God’s Incommunicable Attributes. The term incommunicable does not mean we can have no knowledge or understanding of these attributes. Rather it means they are impossible to impart to another; or these attributes are not shared with any created being. It is these incommunicable attributes which set God apart from all other beings, visible and invisible.

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Carol Jenkins Carol Jenkins

God Is Omnipotent

PART ONE: The Omnipotence of God is beautiful in its perfection.  Mighty as is His power it never over-rides or interferes with His other attributes.  His power never moves until He wills and He cannot will but according to His righteousness; nor does His righteousness offend His love and mercy.  Yet God cannot exercise His love and mercy without satisfying His justice and holiness. All work together in absolute perfection; all tempered by His pleasure.

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Carol Jenkins Carol Jenkins

God Is Omniscient

PART TWO: Understanding, Wisdom and Knowledge are the three parts of Omniscience. Power without direction and control is always destructive; but properly directed it is always a blessing. This is why the Omnipotence of God is directed by His Omniscience.

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Carol Jenkins Carol Jenkins

God Is Omnipresent

PART THREE: Though God is all powerful and all wise, if he were not also always present everywhere it would undo His Being and break His perfection.  It is absolutely necessary for God to be every-where always. He must be a constant shepherd as he is a powerful creator.

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Carol Jenkins Carol Jenkins

God Is Immutable

PART FOUR: The objective of Bible Doctrine is to stir the heart to appreciate God as He Is. When the soul is caught in the storm, your knowledge of God will hold you fast. God always was what He is now. He will always be what He always was, and always will be; Love, Life, and Light.

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Carol Jenkins Carol Jenkins

God Is Eternal

PART FIVE: Eternal as an attribute is the quality of being which expresses an absolute perfection, meaning it is free from imperfection. It is perfect of both quality and quantity. It is perfect in duration and character. Nothing that has been created can be truly eternal.

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Part Two of the God of the Bible: The Lord and His Word