
This Blog begins with a word study on the most often used word for God, and then moves on to examine how God first made Himself known to Adam and then to the patriarchs and prophets. I believe this study will help us understand how Torah observant believers in the first century could embrace Jesus of Nazareth as God in the flesh; alongside the God of Israel without violating the scripture and their adherence to The One True God.

This blog introduces the Old Testament roots of Trinitarian Theology.

Carol Jenkins Carol Jenkins

Who Is God?

INTRODUCTION: The God of the Bible is known as the Self-revealing God. The psalmist points out He has presented Himself in a clear, continual and magnificent manner, regardless of language or location.

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Carol Jenkins Carol Jenkins

What Is His Name?

PART ONE: YHWH Elohim. In Genesis chapter two we find out the name of the Creator Elohim. This is the account of the Self-revealing God. He makes Himself known for the purpose of partnership and covenant with us, and is introduced by His proper name Yahweh (YHWH).

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Carol Jenkins Carol Jenkins

The Speaking Yahweh Came

PART TWO: The LORD Calls Abraham. In this blog we will examine the way the Old and New Testament writers communicate Abraham’s encounter with YHWH. In the New Testament account which is recorded in the book of Acts, Stephen specifically points out that the God of glory appeared to Abraham and spoke to him.

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Carol Jenkins Carol Jenkins

The Word & The Voice

PART THREE: The Word Speaks: The Word or the Voice of Yahweh is uttered for the purpose of being heard and known. It is purposeful. The Voice is personal. The Voice is self-identifying and self-revealing; you can recognize a person by their voice. The Voice is a means of distinguishing oneself from all others.

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Carol Jenkins Carol Jenkins

The LORD Calls Samuel

PART FOUR: The Word Stands. - 1 Samuel 3. How did Samuel come to know the LORD? How did the LORD make Himself known to this young boy? Let’s find out more about the word of the LORD.

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Carol Jenkins Carol Jenkins

YHWH Calls Jeremiah

PART FIVE: YHWH Calls Jeremiah. Jeremiah 1:4-9. This is Jeremiah’s account of his encounter with YWHW at the time of his calling. Once again we find the language of embodied presence. The writer embraces and telegraphs the concept of YHWH invisible in Heaven, and YHWH manifest on earth in a form of a man. Why is this important?

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Carol Jenkins Carol Jenkins

Abraham & Adonay

PART SIX: Abraham and Adonay. Abraham’s spiritual journey includes a divine figure that is integral to Israelite Godhead thinking: the visible appearance of YHWH as a man. This is another Old Testament precedent for Yahweh being visible and embodied. This would have helped a Torah observant believer accept the idea that the LORD God could show up in human form.

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Carol Jenkins Carol Jenkins

The Angel of the LORD

PART SEVEN: The Angel of the LORD. Who Is this messenger? Is the Angel of the LORD different from other divine messengers? We don’t want to make an assumption based on only one passage of scripture. So, we will consider several of these passages. We have already noted that the word angel is not a rank or class of created divine beings. Rather it refers to one who has been assigned a task.

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Carol Jenkins Carol Jenkins

Jacob and the Angel of the LORD

PART EIGHT: Jacob meets YHWH. This is the Biblical account of Jacob and the God of his Fathers. Jacob's first encounter with the Angel of the LORD is really quite familiar. You might know it as “Jacob’s ladder.” However, there are some interesting details you might have missed. Our study will cover Genesis 28-32. and Hosea 12.

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Carol Jenkins Carol Jenkins

The Angel That Redeems

PART NINE: The Angel That Redeems. As we conclude Jacob’s experience with the Angel of the Lord, we will read from Genesis 48. This takes place after Jacob’s family has settled in Egypt under the protection and provision of his son Joseph. Jacob has been in Egypt for seventeen years and is now dying. Joseph is told about this and brings his sons before Jacob, their grandfather. What we are about to read is part of Jacob’s deathbed blessing upon Joseph and his two sons.

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Carol Jenkins Carol Jenkins

The Angel YHWH and Moses

PART TEN: Moses Ask God’s Name. In this study we are reading the Bible to understand how the ancient Israelites came to know the Creator God. In today’s reading we will find Moses actually asking God what His name is as he encounters Him in the burning bush experience.

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Carol Jenkins Carol Jenkins

The Angel - The Name - The Voice

PART ELEVEN: Honor the Name, Obey His Voice. As we continue in the scriptures, we are seeing the theological roots of Trinitarian Theology. YHWH can be known by His Invisible Presence. He is the visible Angel of Yahweh in the form of a man. He is the Divine Being that appears in the fire of God. You can recognize Him, by His Voice and His form. This is the Self-revealing God in three persons, YHWH is ONE.

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Carol Jenkins Carol Jenkins

The Commander of YWHW’s Armies

PART TWELVE: Joshua and the Angel of the LORD: In this account the Angel of YHWH is describe as a man with a drawn sword. This point of reference is very significant, because it only occurs three times in scripture. We will begin with the account of Joshua, as the successor to Moses.

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Carol Jenkins Carol Jenkins

Gideon and The Angel of YHWH

Conclusion: Gideon and the Angel of the LORD. We will conclude this Blog on the Self-Revealing God with the scriptural account of the call and commission of Gideon, by the Angel of the LORD. The scripture is very intentional and reveals some very important concepts regarding how we are to think about the God of Israel.

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Coming Soon: The Beauty of the Triune God Blog